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The Wonderpup Journal

Loose Leashing Walking – Equipment

Loose Leashing Walking – Equipment

 If you’re here, like many other pet owners out there, you might be struggling to enjoy walks with your four legged family member. In this post we are going to discuss equipment choices for loose leash walking. I always like to start off by reminding pet owners that, ultimately, no piece of equipment will teach […]

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  June 30, 2021   No comments
Taking The Fear Out Of The 4th

Taking The Fear Out Of The 4th

For many pet owners the 4th of July poses unique challenges. Fireworks can be incredibly scary for dogs, and for some, may induce complete panic. Below we will cover some general guidelines all pet dog owners can use to keep their dog safe this holiday weekend as well as some training tips that you can […]

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  June 1, 2021   No comments
Preventing Anxiety In Dogs Post Pandemic

Preventing Anxiety In Dogs Post Pandemic

As we navigate through this unprecedented time, it’s important that we consider the effects our current changes in lifestyle may have on our canine companions. This is especially true of puppies, who are growing up in a world that will be very different six months from now. Today I’d like to focus on one topic […]

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  April 21, 2020   No comments
It’s All In How You Raise Them?

It’s All In How You Raise Them?

I can’t even begin to count the number of guilt ridden owners who have sat down with me in their initial behavioral consult and tearfully explained the difficulties they are having with their dog, only to wrap it up by confessing to me that they know they must have done something wrong to cause these […]

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  May 31, 2019   No comments
5 Simple Ways To Offer Your Dog Enrichment

5 Simple Ways To Offer Your Dog Enrichment

Our dogs are such a big part of our lives, but their routine can sometimes become stagnant from day to day. Enrichment is such an important piece of your dog’s well being and can help mediate problem behaviors that may arise. If your dog’s are anything like mine, if you don’t give them something to […]

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  April 10, 2019   No comments
Emotional Support Animal, Therapy Dog, or Service Animal? Is there a difference?

Emotional Support Animal, Therapy Dog, or Service Animal? Is there a difference?

  I often get questions regarding Emotional Support Animals and Service Dogs, and I felt this was a topic worthy of discussion in our Wonderpup Journal . There are distinct differences between Emotional Support Animals (ESA), Service Animals/Dogs, and Therapy Animals/Dog, and it’s more than just semantics.  Untrained pet dogs are being brought into public […]

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  April 2, 2019   No comments
Keep Going – The Dreaded “R” Word

Keep Going – The Dreaded “R” Word

“He’s reactive!?” It’s typically said with a tone of surprise, and sometimes, also with doubt. Yes, my adorable, brilliant, cuddly, sweet little red dog can, in the blink of an eye, turn into a snarling whirling teeth baring red blur at the end of his leash. If you haven’t seen it, I can understand how […]

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  March 19, 2019   No comments